
What is pediatric rehabilitation?

Pediatric rehabilitation is all the measures implemented for children and adolescents with or likely to have a disability.

The goals of pediatric rehabilitation are the resumption of activities as well as social participation at home, at leisure and at school.
Available under medical prescription in France, pediatric rehabilitation care can be carried out in different places (hospitals, rehabilitation and education centers, SESSAD, CAMSP, private practice, home, school…).
The field of rehabilitation brings together some thirty diffrent professions (physicians in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PMR), pediatricians, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, psychomotor therapists, psychologists, social workers, specialized educators, nurses, childcare assistants, etc.), which justifies multidisciplinary coordination between the actors involved in a common therapeutic project.

Why is the scientific evaluation of intensive therapies offered to children with cerebral palsy important?

Intensive therapies aim to improve child’s autonomy through the acquisition of functional goals pre-defined by the child and his/her family. They are structured around the principles of motor learning. There are different types (CIMT, HABIT, HABIT-ILE) which are organized with different schedules and for different clinical profiles of children. There is evidence of their value for well-defined clinical profiles of children. It is important to evaluate the effects of these therapies on other profiles in order to be able to adapt the individualized care proposals made to families; but also to understand whether there is a sensitive period of development at which to propose this type of therapy. The evaluation of these therapies also makes it possible to question how they are structured and use this information to improve their impact on the child’s autonomy. Finally, it is essential to evaluate the cost of these therapies to allow their dissemination.

What is cerebral palsy?

Cerebral palsy is the most common motor disability in children.
It affects 17 million people worldwide, and 125,000 in France.

This disability results from irreversible damage to the brain of the fetus or infant, due to the destruction of developing brain cells. These lesions cause a series of movement or posture disorders, often accompanied by cognitive or sensory difficulties, which last throughout life.

To learn more, visit fondationparalysiecerebrale.org

What are neuromuscular diseases?

Neuromuscular diseases are numerous (more than 200 different diseases) and almost all of them have a genetic origin. These diseases affect both children and adults.
They are diseases of the muscle or its motor innervation (motor unit impairment). The result is an impairment of motor function (moving, breathing, etc.: everything involving muscles).
Some neuromuscular diseases are extremely serious, while others allow for an almost normal life.
For the same diagnosis, symptoms can be very heterogeneous from one person to another.

To learn more, visit tousalecole.fr

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